I translated and tweeted what Daigo (and others) said in the TOPANGA TV special episode, in which they reviewed TOPANGA WORLD LEAGUE.
Daigo: "If TOPANGA WL was FT7, I didn't go to NCR. Since the set was shorter, preparation was not as crucial."
Daigo: "I didn't prepare for Smug and Luffy. I won them well before, and I assumed they didn't prepare for me because in roundrobin format you would prepare for the matches you can possibly win rather than the hardest ones."
Momochi has been one win away from becoming the champion in the last three TOPANGA Leagues.
Daigo thinks this year is going to be like a race of winning prize money. That's why he went to NCR. He's actually having fun attending many events.
Daigo: "Bonchan caught me off guard with Ryu in RedBull. I promised to myself I'm never going to let that happen again"
Daigo wanted Momochi to beat Bonchan so that he had a chance to win the league so that he'd play his best against Sako - Daigo's biggest enemy.
Daigo hyped up Momochi against Sako so much. "I think I said 'YOU CAN WIN THIS' to somebody for the first time."
Daigo: "If you beat Sako, you can get in the 2nd place. If you lose, it's 6th. The difference is ¥460,000!"
Momochi: "... You're right."
Daigo to Momochi "Watch and learn how Sako beats XiaoHai. Don't let him die in vain."
Momochi spent his off-game time meditating rather than studying guaranteed punishes against Sako Elena.
Daigo: "When Momochi beat Sako, I felt the happiest in my entire gamer life, even happier than my own wins."
Daigo: "I got too excited for Momochi's win against Sako. My heart was beating so fast. My hands were shaking. I couldn't even put the USB into Xbox."
Daigo focused so much against Xian. "I was like I'm never going to let him jump into my fireball, like NEVER." He was focused at the highest level in recent years.
Mago: "Xian looked uncharacteristically nervous against Daigo."
Daigo was so focused against Xian that he wasn't afraid of Xian's super and was even confident his cr. forward can win over the super.
Daigo never try to shake out of stun b/c he thinks it's in vain. But against Xian he did it for the first time in many years.
Daigo was so impressed by how much Sako prepared for the Evil Ryu matchup. He thought Sako would just give up on it.
Daigo: "I have mixed feelings b/c I won the league losing to the 2nd placer. But the most important thing to me this year is to get prize money so I guess it's ok."
Daigo: "I normally feel very salty for losing to anyone, but this time not so much b/c I got the most prize money."
Daigo to Momochi in TOPANGA WORLD LEAGUE:
3rd Day: "Keep quiet, you dead horse.
4th Day: "I would do anything for you if you beat Sako! You can do it!"
Rooting for someone but himself was very new to Daigo. He really enjoyed it :D
Please also see this post in NeoGAF by KidA Seven
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